Keyboard Shortcuts
Does your SolidWorks window look like this? Do you know somebody whose modeling environment looks like this? I actually have a user here who does!
I gasp and gape at his screen everytime I look at it and give him hell about it. I just can’t understand why someone would have a 21" monitor and have their workspace so cluttered that the modeling window is reduced to half of the desktop or less…
I guess it’s what you get used to. But say what you might, there is no way that this setup is as productive as setting up and using keyboard shortcuts!
I think he is finally seeing the light, however. He just got a new computer, and is giving shortcuts a try. Given some time, I believe that he will be able to increase his productivity by a good measure.
To set up SolidWorks keyboard shortcuts, start a new file and right click anywhere in a Toolbar region. Select "Customize…" and then choose the "Keyboard" tab. The interface in SolidWorks 2007 is much improved compared to earlier versions. You can choose to sort by Command Category, search for specific commands, and filter only those commands that already have a keyboard shortcut assigned. You can also choose to print or copy to the clipboard your keyboard shortcuts for reference and sharing.
Using keyboard shortcuts for frequently used commands along with a customized Command Manager can free up valuable screen real estate and increase your modeling efficiency. Hopefully this tip will help your SolidWorks window look a little more like this!
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