Robot Challenge: Mr. Torimoto’s Origami vs. SolidWorks
Watch as origami master, Mr. Norio Torimoto races SolidWorks software to design a robot from scratch. It is a very exciting race, with some major drama. I’ll not spoil it for you by telling you who wins, you’ll just have to watch it for yourself!
You can also download your own origami robot kit for free, along with an eDrawing of the robot designed with SolidWorks, and "Director’s Cuts" of the real-time videos of both Mr. Torimoto and SolidWorks designing their robots.
Although though this is a marketing promotion, it is a very interesting one to watch! Along with Paper Pilot, COSMOSudoku, and now this, it’s easy to see that the SolidWorks marketing folks have a sense of humor and know how to appeal to the engineering-type crowd!