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I-Ball – A 360° Grenade-Launchable Camera

18 November 2008 9 Comments

Grenade-Launchable I-Ball CameraThe I-Ball is a camera designed with new technology that will enable UK soldiers to toss it anywhere into the battlefield to gain insights into what awaits them before putting themselves in harm’s way. The I-Ball camera “…can be fired from a grenade launcher – or thrown into a room – giving troops vital information of who – or what – is on the ground or around the corner.”

I-Ball TroopsThe camera houses two sensors and fisheye lenses that capture image data of it’s surroundings, and a transmitter that sends the data back to a processor.  the processor then maps out a real-time 360° view of what the camera is seeing.

The I-Ball is developed by a Scotland-based firm, Dreampact, and was conceived of in the 2007 Competition of Ideas sponsored by the U.K.’s Ministry of Defence.

Found via CrunchGear.

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