SolidWorks – You’ve Got A Hanger!
If you haven’t heard by now (and if you haven’t, where have you been?), earlier this week Josh Mings posted an article about an announcement SolidWorks made to VAR’s: as of SolidWorks 2010 Service Pack 4, that they would begin aggressively enforcing their policy of not allowing users access to service packs if they are not on subscription maintenance.
To get more clarification on this issue, Devon Sowell has scheduled an interview with Rich Welch, SolidWorks Vice President of Customer Services, next Tuesday, April 13, 2010 covering “SolidWorks Subscription Maintenance, Service Packs, and Bug Fixes”. Devon is currently soliciting questions that folks would like answers to in this interview.
I’ve been thinking about this ever since Josh’s post, and the biggest question I would like the answer to is why are they just now choosing to enforce this policy?
I’ve never understood this policy, and why it even exists when most (all?) other CAD vendors allow access to service packs/bug fixes for their purchased version. I’ve always thought this was the hanging booger SolidWorks was walking around with while talking about being customer-driven. (How do you like that analogy?) It definitely doesn’t make you look cool!
You know, they could have scored major brownie points with customers and press alike, and not come out with black eyes and bruises that they are going to get from this, if instead they had announced that they had changed the old policy to reflect a more judicious, customer-centric approach, allowing anyone access to all updates for the version they had purchased (or the last version they were on when their subscription lapsed)…
What do you think of this policy?