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SolidWorks Previous Version Interoperability introduced with SolidWorks 2013 probably isn’t what most users were wanting (or at least, were expecting), but I believe it’s what most users need.
When users hear, “previous version capability”, most think of being able to save their files back to an earlier version. I believe this is what most users were asking for. But I think that trying to carry back new features introduced in each new version would be fraught with major issues. And I also think that most people asking for this type of …
SolidWorks News, SolidWorks World, Technology »

The Wednesday General Session is usually bittersweet for me, because while it is the day we get a sneak peek at the upcoming version of SolidWorks, it is also the last day of the conference. This year is no different; things start winding down and we say goodbye to friends and colleagues, many of whom we won’t see until next World.
Fielder Hiss opened the General Session and introduced Kirsten Billhardt from Dell.
SolidWorks Product Marketing Specialist Mark Schneider took the stage to announce the winners of …
SolidWorks World, Technology »

Today’s General Session started off with Fielder Hiss, Vice President of Product Management at DS SolidWorks Corporation, taking the stage. He recapped yesterday’s session with Gene Kranz and Captain Jim Lovell.
Fielder then recognized HP, one of the conference’s Platinum sponsors. Tom Salomone, HP’s Worldwide Marketing Manager for MCAD, took the stage for a few words.
First up was Richard Doyle, User Community Manager for DS SolidWorks Corp. Richard talked about the SolidWorks User Group Network (SWUGN), which is the global community of SolidWorks users. There are currently 195 …